fredag 27 november 2015

Windows 10 - Group Policy settings for program distribution over WiFi

To get GPO settings  for program distribution over WiFi working for my Laptops I had to make this adjustments in GPO. Before I made this settings I got error message in Event viewer with event ID: 1058

Add GpNetworkStartTimeoutPolicyValue to Registry

I added this key so that the PC got time to start up and connect to network before GPO is updated. I added a registry key to this to the GPO. 

In GPO Management open the GPO object, go to Computer Configuration/Preferences/Windows settings/Registry

I created a New Registry item, the registry path to this key is "HKLM/SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" and the keyname is GpNetworkStartTimeoutPolicyValue

Depending on the PC you need to adjust the value up or down, for me 20 seconds where enough.

Hardened UNC Path

I also needed to add SYSVOl to Hardened UNC Path, you find this GPO item under "Computer configuration/Policies/Administrative templates/Network/Network Provider"

Add Value name and Value RequireMutualAuthentication=0
There is some other things that You might need to adjust like this that I have enabled under "Computer configuration/Policies/Administrative templates/System/Group Policy"

Good Luck with your GPOs!

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